Beyond the decision of whether a patient is a candidate for hair transplant surgery, are various others which dictate ultimate levels of success. For example, some patients are truly better candidates for a linear strip surgery, instead of surgery using robotic FUE.
Equally important is the necessary expenditure of time spent between surgeon and patient outlining the relative value of hair-preserving medications, and how to adjust their regimens to minimize potential side effects and maximize efficacy.
The timing and size of initial surgery is an important variable Dr. Sparano discusses during initial consultation. While hair loss is generally progressive, it indeed manifests to varying degrees and at varying speeds for individuals. Along these lines, patients commit variably to medicinal hair-preservation regimens. As a result, the surgeon best serves the patient by having a long-term perspective on the successful outcome. Communicating this effectively is equally important.
Hairline and overall transplant design perhaps require the greatest degree of artistic sensibility by the surgeon. As with all aspects of facial plastic surgery, successful results appear entirely natural, and undetectable. This challenge is partly why Dr. Sparano chose to add hair transplantation to his surgical armamentarium many years ago. Hair transplantation is not as simple as moving hair from one place to another. It is rather about replicating, as closely as possible, the naturally-forming pattern of hair across the scalp, while at the same time estimating its likely pattern of change with time, all with a limited donor supply of hair. Dr. Sparano performs approximately 10-20 facial reconstruction surgeries each week. He believes the principles of facial reconstruction and his deep experience within the subspecialty, have contributed to his capacity to think and communicate about hair restoration surgery more effectively.
Orientation and position of incision sites, and algorithm for locations of 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5+ hair grafts, ultimately shape illusions of hair density. Understanding the nuances herein, is similar to understanding the nuances of light and its influence amidst the artistic discipline of Impressionistic painting. Just as with the masters of Impressionism, only continuous study and careful attention to detail can evolve a surgeon’s talents herein.