The perpetual, dynamic force of gravity and aging cause the eyebrows and forehead to descend. As the brows fall, they push the redundant skin of the upper face onto the upper eyelid causing a crowded look to the area of the eyes.
The brow and forehead will appear heavy and thickened with deep creases often setting in between the brows. This can lead to a harsh or angry look even when one doesn’t mean for it to. Others can appear tired and fatigued, and women may have difficulty applying mascara or other make-up to the area. Many patients seeking facial rejuvenation surgery are unaware of the impact sagging eyebrows have on an aged appearance.
A youthful upper face is an important ingredient for a rested and refreshed appearance. When indicated, lifting the brows, forehead, or temples can create dramatic improvement to a problem area. The art of upper facial enhancement in this regard is rooted in accurate decision-making by a surgeon. Dr. Sparano believes too often the brows are over-lifted, or the entire upper facial complex is lifted without consideration for relative anatomic changes. For example, sometimes only the temple area needs a subtle lifting; at other times, the entire forehead does; and at other times only the lateral brow does. Furthermore, many of the previous techniques used for upper facial lifting are associated with either long displeasing scars, changes in the height of the hairline, or the need to place hardware into the skull bone for adequate fixation of tissue. Dr. Sparano believes these techniques are mostly outdated, and only very rarely come into consideration as options.
Firstly, Dr. Sparano can often improve the appearance of the brow region using a combination of neurotoxins (e.g., Botox, Xeomin) and filler (e.g., Juvederm) or fat grafting. Changes in natural brow position with these non-surgical techniques are small, but often that is enough to elevate the correct portion of a brow to a more pleasing anatomic position, with improved appearance.
Secondly, Dr. Sparano now can lift the brows, temples, or central forehead, independently from one another, with shorter hidden incisions, and without the need to place screws, hardware, or fixation devices into the skull. Upper facial enhancement in this regard, requires skill and a very careful and deciphering eye so as to subtly but nicely achieve surgical goals, without an unnatural appearance.
The details and best options for any given patient are always discussed with Dr. Sparano in private consultation.
When is a good time to have a brow, forehead, or temple lift?
Anytime the brows and forehead are unpleasantly sagging and contributing to an aged appearance is an acceptable time for this procedure. Most patients choosing this procedure are in their 50’s to 60’s, but the procedure can be performed at any age.
Where does the brow, forehead, or temple lift take place?
This procedure is often performed in Dr. Sparano’s office-based setting using mild oral sedation with local anesthesia. When these procedures are combined with other facial surgeries, they are usually performed in an outpatient operating room setting with deeper anesthesia.
What is the difference between a brow lift and a temple lift?
Most brow lifts elevate the entire brow. Dr. Sparano believes it is often unnecessary to elevate the entire brow. A temple lift is an effective way to elevate the lateral brow (i.e., tail of the eyebrow), and subtly tighten slack soft tissue of the temple area. Often, lifting only the tail of the brow while leaving the central eyebrow undisturbed presents the most attractive eyebrow appearance.
Can a brow lift be performed through an eyelid (blepharoplasty) incision if I’m getting my eyelids operated on?
Often, a tail-of-brow lift is easily performed through the same incision as the upper eyelid surgery. This can be an effective and powerful solution to a complex problem for the right candidates.
What is the recovery like after a brow/forehead lift?
Some swelling, temporary numbness, and mild bruising are common after this procedure. The level of post-operative discomfort is usually mild and easily controlled with an appropriate oral pain medication. Swelling and bruising can last as long as 2 weeks, but are usually diminished by 1 week. Any marked discoloration from temporary bruising can be covered up with make-up when necessary.
How much time off from my daily activities should I schedule?
Most patients return to their normal daily activities within 7-10 days.
When can I return to exercise after the procedure?
Exercise and strenuous work or activities are restricted for 2 weeks following surgery.