Kybella NJ: The fullness below the chin has been referred to as the “double chin.” Clinically, we refer to this tissue as “submental fat,” or “submental fullness.” Submental fullness is a commonplace biologic phenomenon affecting young and old individuals of both genders. The presence of submental fullness can be influenced by genetic factors, the aging process, and weight gain. It can often become a “stubborn” presence resistant to dieting and exercise.
Kythera Biopharmaceuticals® cites data from a 2014 survey conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery showing 68% of people are “bothered” by under-the-chin fullness, and tend to be just as bothered by this, as by lines and wrinkles around and under their eyes.
Kybella™ is the first FDA-approved nonsurgical treatment designed to reduce the submental fullness of the “double chin.” Kybella™ is made from deoxycholic acid, which is similar to a naturally-occurring molecule in the body which assists in the breakdown of dietary fat.
While Kybella™ can be an effective non-surgical method to reduce submental fat, it should be delivered by board-certified surgeons who understand the nuances and anatomic planes of the submental region. Further, a treatment plan involving multiple injection sessions should be customized to optimize successful contouring and reduction of the chin profile.
Dr. Sparano is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon in New Jersey (NJ) who was administering Kybella™ very early after its FDA-approval and release. His head and neck surgical training afford a well-versed understanding of the anatomy in the submental region. Furthermore, as a facial Specialist, Dr. Sparano frequently performs surgery of the aging face and neck. While Kybella™ is certainly not the equivalent of surgical enhancement of the neck, it can offer substantial reduction of the “stubborn” submental fullness for the right patients, when delivered appropriately. All of Dr. Sparano’s consultations are complimentary. For more information, see Dr. Sparano’s Blog posts titled “Kybella in New Jersey / Kybella NJ” and “Double chin no more…”.
Before and After Images.
How does KYBELLA™ work?
The active ingredient in KYBELLA™ is deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule in the body which aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fatty region beneath the chin, KYBELLA™ initiates the selective destruction of fat cells. Once eliminated, the treated fat cells cannot store or accumulate fat.
Is KYBELLA™ right for me?
Dr. Sparano offers complimentary consultation for patients interested in Kybella™ injections at his New Jersey (NJ) office in Monmouth County. The patients most likely to benefit from Kybella™ contouring of the “double chin,” are patients with a distinct fatty fullness under the chin, without significant interference by the adjacent platysma neck muscle.
What can I expect during my KYBELLA™ visit?
Dr. Sparano will customize a treatment plan focused on the targeted goal, and involving an initial designated number of visits. A series of injections would be administered at each session. Treatment sessions would be spaced at least 1 month apart. Up to 6 treatment sessions may be administered. Many patients experience visible contouring after 2-4 treatment sessions.
What are the associated side effects?
The safety profile of KYBELLA™ is well characterized. The most common side effects are swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness around the treatment area. KYBELLA™ can cause serious side effects, including but not limited to difficulty swallowing and nerve injury in the region that can cause an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness.
How long will the results last?
KYBELLA™ causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, the treated fat cells cannot store or accumulate fat. After the aesthetic response is achieved, retreatment with KYBELLA™ is not necessary.