As the upper eyelids age, the associated skin can begin to loosen, the muscle can fold over, and the underlying fat collections can bulge. The eyelids can begin to appear “heavy,” “droopy,” or “tired.” Individuals can begin to notice this phenomenon in their 30’s or 40’s. There are not many ways to effectively counter or correct this process short of upper blepharoplasty. Blepharoplasty is the term for surgical eyelid reshaping. The procedure involves excision of the excess skin, muscle, and protruding fat around the eyelids with disguised incisions. Blepharoplasty is a powerful surgical procedure with impressive post-operative results.
Upper eyelid surgery can be performed as an isolated procedure using oral sedation and local anesthesia, or in an operating room setting combined with other procedures. Upper eyelid surgery is commonly performed in conjunction with lower eyelid surgery, facelift procedures, or TotalFX™ laser skin resurfacing.
Youthful and inviting eyes are essential for a restful, rejuvenated appearance. Part of the art of aesthetic facial plastic surgery involves diverting attention away from more aged parts of the face, to bring focus instead upon more youthful-appearing eyes. Youthful eyes appear engaging and attractive. When performed on the appropriate candidate, eyelid reshaping is a very gratifying procedure with powerful, long-lasting results completely natural in appearance.
Does upper eyelid surgery require anesthesia?
Most upper eyelid procedures are performed using local anesthesia and oral sedation. Operating room expenses are usually unnecessary unless the patient is having multiple procedures performed, or requests deeper anesthesia.
Is the surgery painful?
Upper eyelid surgery is not a painful procedure once the eyelids are anesthetized. Patients usually sleep during the procedure, or handle it quite comfortably.
Where are the scars for upper eyelid surgery?
Upper blepharoplasty incisions are well hidden in the natural crease of the eyelid. As the incision is carried out laterally toward the side of the eyelid when necessary, it is oriented in a natural “crow’s feet” line. Dr. Sparano performs a two-layered tension-free closure for his upper eyelid surgeries, which he feels maximizes potential for invisible scars. Generally, incisions from upper eyelid surgery are hidden and heal exceptionally well.
Will my eyelid surgery fix my “crow’s feet” or “sagging” eyebrow?
Upper blepharoplasty is not a procedure that addresses either area. It only addresses the excess and bulging tissue of the upper eyelids. For certain candidates, a brow lift can be performed through the same upper eyelid incision, which can afford a great solution to a complex problem. The fine wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”) can be easily treated by other measures. Similarly, “sagging” brows are best treated by brow lift procedures.
Will I look “surprised” after my eyelid surgery?
This is a commonly asked question. The “surprised” look individuals sometimes have after elective facial surgeries usually stems from overly lifted eyebrows. An upper eyelid surgery should not change the shape, orientation, or function of the adjacent eyebrows at all. Furthermore, when Dr. Sparano performs separate brow lift surgery, he is a firm believer in never over-lifting the brows. In fact, Dr. Sparano believes that with the advent of more recent fat transfer techniques, brow lifting procedures are becoming less indicated.
Can my upper eyelid surgery be covered by my insurance company?
Cosmetic blepharoplasty is not covered by insurance companies. When the excess tissue of the upper eyelids can be shown to interfere with a patient’s field of vision, insurance may cover the procedure. Dr. Sparano only performs elective cosmetic blepharoplasty, which can be a distinctly different surgical procedure than a purely functional blepharoplasty.
What is the recovery period like after upper eyelid surgery?
The eyes will be bruised and swollen for about 7-10 days after surgery. Stitches are removed usually on day 6-7 after surgery. Eye make-up can be worn in certain instances to help disguise the healing eyelids.
How much time off from my daily activities should I schedule?
Most patients return to their normal daily activities after 7-10 days.
When can I return to exercise or strenuous work?
Exercise and strenuous work or activities are restricted for 2 weeks following the procedure.
Eyelid Surgery NJ:
Patients searching for a skilled and experienced eyelid surgeon will often use the online search verbiage eyelid lift New Jersey, eyelid lift NJ, New Jersey eyelid lift, cosmetic surgeon NJ. Whether someone is an "eyelid lift NJ" / "eyelid lift New Jersey" patient, versus a regional patient, Dr. Sparano and his Staff make efforts to keep a patient's experience as comfortable as possible, especially when traveling greater distances. As a huge advocate of optimal patient education, Dr. Sparano has written blog entries to cover these topics: Eyelid Lift New Jersey, Eyelid Lift NJ, New Jersey Eyelid Lift. Dr. Sparano believes patients should always seek to maximize their research and information regarding their surgeon, and the associated procedure. Dr. Sparano encourages patients to read his Eyelid Lift NJ articles, website, other websites, and schedule to discuss intricacies and a customized treatment approach through a free consultation.