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The aging of facial skin will usually co-occur with that of the skin, muscle, and fatty tissues of the neck. Sometimes the neck will appear more aged than the face. Often, the appearance of a sagging, droopy neck is quite bothersome to a patient. A necklift operation is a powerful surgical procedure with gratifying outcomes yielding a natural and healthy appearance.

The non-surgical methods of addressing the loose tissues of the aging neck can very rarely achieve significant pleasing results. Dr. Sparano has studied these smaller non-surgical procedures in depth, and believes they are meant for patients who at most require a very small amount of modification.

A surgical necklift is a safe way to predictably address each anatomic component contributing to the appearance of an aging neck. The procedure usually involves some combination of direct lipo-sculpting (reshaping the fatty pockets of the neck), platysmaplasty (reshaping the muscle bands of the neck back to their youthful form), and skin contouring. A necklift is usually performed in combination with a lower facelift, but it can be performed as an isolated procedure.

Dr. Sparano believes the necklift operation is one of the most powerful surgical procedures he performs. The beauty of recreating youthful neck lines cannot be overstated. Dr. Sparano performs this procedure in a way which eliminates any pulling of tissues, and instead involves a direct sculpting and restructuring of tissues without tension. Consequently, results should be entirely natural-appearing and long-lasting.

Dr. Sparano performs his necklift operation at the outpatient surgical center of Jersey Shore University Medical Center using general anesthesia. After a necklift, a patient will usually return home or spend the night in a nearby hotel if traveling from a distance. About 2 weeks after surgery, a patient can expect to return to ordinary social and professional activities, but with a more youthful appearing neck.


Who is a good candidate for a necklift?
Any patient with excess skin, muscle, or fat of the lower jowl and neck area is a good candidate for a necklift. The "turkey waddle" deformity is best benefitted by a necklift. Surgical and non-surgical options for the neck can be discussed during a private consultation with Dr. Sparano.

Where are the incisions made for a necklift?
The design for the incisions depends upon a patient’s anatomical circumstances. Usually the incisions consist of a very small incision under the chin, and an incision at the earlobe crease or behind the ears.

What is the recovery like after neck rejuvenation?
Depending on the combination of procedures performed on the face and neck, bruising and swelling can last up to 3 weeks, but is usually diminished by 7-10 days. Patients are instructed how to minimize bruising and swelling, and specific dressings are used to expedite healing. Temporary numbness can occur over the first several weeks. After 1-2 days, patients can usually control any associated discomfort with Tylenol/acetaminophen.

How much time off from my daily activities should I schedule?
Most patients return to their normal daily activities within 1-2 weeks.

When can I return to exercise or strenuous work?
Exercise and strenuous work or activities are restricted for 2 weeks following the procedure.