Does Kybella Work?

Kybella does work... ...if you're a candidate! There are various ways to treat the neck. Each respective treatment targets different aspects of the aging neck anatomy. Kybella specifically targets fat under the chin. We have great success treating this area with Kybella in our practice. We believe there is a skill to its delivery - both in terms of amount of product used, its spatial delivery, and angle of threading of product to manipulate delivery around the muscle bands which can obstruct its efficacy. Most patients require 2-3 injection sessions, and a minority requires 4.

Beauty of the Neck

Until about two years ago I viewed elective surgical reshaping of the neck differently than I do now. Then, I thought of the neck lift operation as something that should or should not accompany a face lift operation. Now, I view the neck quite differently. In many ways, I often find myself assessing whether a face lift should accompany the neck lift operation.